Tuesday, June 14, 2016

About Daisy Smith

Hello! My name is Daisy Smith, and I am the creator of this blog, Daisy’s Delicious Desserts. I am starting this blog in hopes of helping others find some simple and delicious dessert recipes that they can use to bake. Growing up, I always baked with my parents more specifically my mother. I don’t think I realized it then, but looking back I am so thankful for all of the memories I was able to create with my mom when I was baking. It was such a good opportunity to bond with a parent while doing a fun activity. My mother has recently passed away and I know I will always cherish those memories we shared together in the kitchen, and I am hoping that parents can also use these recipes with their children to create countless memories together. It doesn’t only have to be a parent and child relationship. Spouses, friends, any two people can bake together and share memories from the experience. Now, every time I bake one of these recipes, I am able to look back and remanence on the old memories. I currently spend at least a few days a week baking these desserts and giving them to friends or family to try out.  I am hoping not only to share some delicious recipes that you can use to bake, but I will be providing many recipes that will all be in once place, and be easily accessible to prevent people from having to go to multiple websites to find specific dessert recipes. I have personally baked all of these recipes, and I have found them to be nothing short of delicious. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me by clicking on the following link: Contact Daisy

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